Bible Class Songs

Bible Class Songs

Sermon on the Mount

Sermon on the Mount

Jesus saw the crowds and went up on a mount.
He sat down and here are some things  he talked about.
The beattitudes & that we are salt and light
And many other things that help us to live right.

Jesus said don't lay up your treasures on the earth
Where they get stolen or lose all their worth.
Put treasures in heaven -that is very smart.
For where you put your treasure - that's where you put your heart.

Jesus said don't worry about  your food or drink
Look at the birds... in the air -what do you think?
They don't plant or reap. Are you not of  more value?
God  feeds the birds & He will feed you too.

Jesus said don't worry about what you will wear
See the lilies in the field? They don't have a care.
Aren't they beautiful? Yet they don't toil or spin
But God dresses them Better than Solomon

~Bettye Locklair